About Edge Fund
Edge Fund began from the ground up as a participatory grantmaking fund in 2012. The people who set it up had experience as activists or funders, and many as both. If community organising and community development could involve the people affected by decisions, then why couldn’t funding happen the same way?
The capitalist system and the culture surrounding it creates winners and losers. It’s time for the voices of those who have been oppressed and marginalised. If we continue to leave decisions about funding to those who hold the wealth and power, real system change will not occur.

Our Politics
The statement below aims to describe the shared values of Edge members. We don’t want to shy away from political language, nor do we want to exclude anyone. We have described the words that are not everyday language in the glossary.
Edge believes that if we are to create a world free of injustice and inequality we will have to completely change the way our societies are organised. Providing support is important, but it’s not enough. We need to understand the systems and structures that give people the power to abuse others and the planet, remove them and replace them with an alternative that is equitable, sustainable and just. (No easy task!)
Our current economic system (capitalism) puts profit before people and the planet and allows a small number of people to become wealthy at the expense of others. With wealth also comes power. Our current political system (representative democracy) forces us to choose someone to make decisions for us, rather than allowing us to speak for ourselves. There are also systems that give people power over others and lead to discrimination, for example, those based on factors such as race, ability, sexuality, class or gender (white supremacy, disablism, heterosexism, classism, transphobia and patriarchy). There are systems of power throughout society which often reinforce each other.
We want a system that is equitable and just, while also respecting the planet. We do not believe this is possible with these systems of power still dominating us, as they result in people being treated unfairly by those who have power over them (oppression). Working with those in power can create small changes, but also gives them more power. We could instead find the strength to take power from the powerful and create our own, recognising that whilst we all face different injustices they are all connected. Understanding eachother’s struggles and working together is crucial. By addressing the reasons why our problems exist, we can create new ways of living that give each of us a direct say in the decisions that affect us and therefore meet everyone’s needs.
We don’t have all the answers on how we create this better world, and we believe there are many ways of creating change. We may each use different tactics, but we’re working towards the same goal. We believe that people have the right to control their own lives and futures (self-determination), and that means we also believe people have the right themselves to decide how they get there.
Lastly (and we thank Resourcing Racial Justice for putting this so clearly): we envision a world where wealth, land and power are distributed equitably, where social justice movements enable collective liberation and justice for all people and our planet, where rich people pay their fair share of taxes, where the climate crisis is truly addressed, where everyone has what they need for a fulfilling existence and there is an end to economic exploitation and endemic racial and class inequality.
Read the full statement
Edge Fund Overview
Watch this video to find out more about Edge Fund
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Become a member
At Edge Fund, all our members can be decision makers. Members tell us how much time they’d like to contribute and we work around that. Join us
Make a donation
If you are in solidarity with our aims and values, we invite you to become a regular funder.
Get in touch
Got any questions or queries about Edge Fund? Would you like more information about joining as a member, donating, or making an application? Contact us