In December 2014 the following grants were agreed.
African Rainbow Family (£5,000)
A lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersexual support group for Africans living in the UK. It was established in the wake of the toxic and draconian anti-gay laws, persecutions and environment which seek to criminalise LGBTIs for the preference of whom they choose to love.
Manchester Migrant Solidarity (£3,000)
A convergence space for migrants and non-migrants, offering practical and social activities for mutual support, empowerment and solidarity. Including awareness raising, workshops, anti-deportation mobilisation and detention support.
Sex Worker Open University (£3,000)
A project created by and for sex workers which brings together sex workers, academics, activists, artists and allies to explore the diversity and contradictions of the sex industry. They want to give a voice to sex workers, whose lives are too often stereotyped and voices too often silenced. Their aim is to empower through workshops, debates, actions and art projects as well as fighting against criminalisation.
United Families and Friends Campaign (£3,000)
A coalition of those affected by deaths in police, prison and psychiatric custody, supporting others in similar situations. Established in 1997 initially as a network of black families, over recent years the group has expanded and now includes the families and friends of white people who have also died in state custody and institutions.
Unity Centre Glasgow (3,000)
A group giving practical support and solidarity to all asylum seekers and other migrants in Scotland. They also support anyone detained in the UK’s Immigration Removal Detention Centres. Run completely by a collective of volunteers the Centre provides practical solidarity and support for asylum seekers especially when they face being locked up in detention centres or being forcibly removed.
Abortion Rights Campaign (£1,500)
Coal Action Network (£1,500)
A network that supports autonomous groups and individuals with information and experience to take collective action against the exploitation of coal. They aim to organise non-hierarchically and believe that direct action is an appropriate and justified response to the urgency of the climate crisis and the human and environmental costs of coal.
Foil Vedanta (£1,500)
An independent grassroots solidarity organization focused primarily on the FTSE 250 British-Indian mining giant Vedanta Resources PLC. Foil Vedanta targets the company in London where it is registered, as well as linking with people’s movements where Vedanta is destroying lives and devastating the land in India, Sri Lanka, Ireland, Zambia, Liberia, South Africa and elsewhere.
Framework Inclusion UK (£1,500)
A space to carry out the growing demand for key policy, projects and research work, tackle the issues of the non challenging formal disabled peoples’ organisations, while gaining a new audience for the aims of challenging disabled peoples’ continued and worsening exclusion.
Generation Revolution (£1,500)
Two radical filmmakers producing a short documentary to showcase the activities of half a dozen groups led by young Black activists in London. By dissecting the nature of systemic discrimination faced by young Black people they hope to offer the insight and inspiration needed to resist the most pernicious effects of their condition.
Justice for Mark Duggan (£1,500)
A campaign established after the inquest jury’s verdict of “lawful killing” of Mark Duggan by the police, despite accepting that Mark was unarmed. Their aims include quashing the Inquest verdict of “lawful killing, to ensure officer V53 is suspended from all duties and does not return to active firearms duty and is held to account for his role in the killing of Mark Duggan.
London Campaign Against Police and State Violence (£1,500)
A group of voluntary campaigners working to make the Metropolitan Police accountable to local communities for abuses of power; and bring an end to its culture of brutality and racial profiling including the racist use of Stop & Search.
Sisters of Frida (£1,500)
An experimental co operative of disabled women who want a new way of sharing experiences, mutual support and relationships with different networks. As disabled women continue to struggle to have their voices heard in their own right, they would like to build a sisterhood, a circle of disabled women to discuss, share experiences and explore intersectional possibilities.
Cardiff Homeless Action (£1,000)
Grassroots group that has come together from a number of other concerned groups (dealing with e.g. poverty, mental health) in order to organise a World Homeless Action Day event and to reboot homeless campaigning in Cardiff.
Travellers and Roma Against Prejudice (£1,000)
A safe space to for sited and housed travellers and Romany women for employment, education and enlightenment. The plan is to open a flowershop/ coffee shop which will act as a hub for GRT women in the area to meet, learn and create together.
JENGbA (Joint Enterprise Not Guilty by Association) (£1,000)
A grass roots campaign launched in 2010 by families wanting to highlight the abuse of the Joint Enterprise doctrine that results in the conviction of innocent people. They are currently supporting over 500 prisoners serving lengthy sentences for something they did not do, could not have foreseen, did not have the intention to do, and indeed in many cases tried to prevent from happening.
Phillippa Willitts (£1,000)
A project to produce a resource for women survivors of sexual violence, as well as for researchers and other interested parties, that comprehensively covers victim blaming and the intersections of disability, race, class, sexuality and gender identity.
Stop and Search Legal Project (£1,000)
An education project run by a collective of volunteer lawyers whose aims include educating and empowering the people of London about the law, particularly relating to the police’s ‘stop and search’, and ending the use of racial profiling by the police in the use of their ‘stop and search’ powers.
Homeless Tours United (£1,000)
A collective of alternative city tours led by homeless people. The tours exists in cities around the world for homeless people to empower themselves, lift themselves out of poverty and destroy the stereotypes surrounding urban homelessness.
Re(al)-Productive Health (£800)
A web-based campaign which aims to promote access to emergency hormonal contraception, or ‘the morning after pill’ in Ireland, and to improve reproductive rights and well-being more broadly for those living in Ireland.
Justice4Paps (£750)
A family justice campaign set up after the death of Habib ‘Paps’ Ullah during a stop and search for drugs. They aim to get justice for his family but also work on wider issues of police harassment and brutality.
Shafted?! (£750)
A campaign fighting-back against the planned debilitating cuts to services in the UK. Against this broad backdrop, they work specifically with HIV related issues. The campaign was initiated as a wild public live “Coming-out” performance in Glasgow in 2012.
Anti-Deportation Ireland (£750)
A national, multi-ethnic grassroots network/alliance of activists, asylum seekers, refugees, community workers, trade unionists, and academics who have come together to campaign against forced deportation in Ireland, and the supporting system of direct provision for people seeking asylum.
Asylum Seeker Housing Project (£750)
New campaigning project set up to address the poor standard of housing provision and support provided to asylum seekers.
REAL Network (£750)
The REAL (Rights, Empowerment, Action and Lobbying) Network is a group of disabled human rights activists from across Northern Ireland. The mission of the REAL Network is to work together to ensure that the human rights of disabled people are given their full effect.
United Europe Roma (£750)
A group providing help, advise, translation and advocacy for the Roma community in Enfield, including general community support plus to campaigning for Romani human and civil rights and recognition of the history of the Romani people.
Hampshire’s Romanys (£750)
A group to support Hampshire Romanys around issues of health, welfare, education, accommodation and employment. Learning more about their own heritage and history and tackling stigma.
Frack Free Five Valleys (£750)
A group formed to raise awareness of the threat of unconventional gas exploration (fracking, coal bed methane, and underground coal gasification) in the area surrounding Stroud.
Community Food Growers Network (£500)
A network of groups actively engaged in growing food plants and supporting others to grow food, in healthy, sustainable ways. They are also not afraid of standing up and making some noise when their members, values or ways of working are being threatened.
Feeding Manchester (£500)
Promoting ‘food democracy’ by reconnecting people to food and taking responsibility for it, ensuring control by and fairness among local producers, suppliers and consumers, and reducing food inequality.
Food Not Bombs London (£500)
Gathering food that would otherwise be wasted, cooking it and serving it for free in public to anyone and everyone who is hungry. Also aims to educate and engage with people about anti-militarism, consumerism, exploitation, capitalism, domination, violence and poverty.
Anti Racism Network Ireland (£500)
A group organising actions against state and institutional racism. They run social evenings, hold monthly public meetings, publish a journal and also challenge NGOs who aren’t asking for the same things that asylum seekers want.
ACORN Bristol (£500)
A group of people on low incomes using direct action, publicity, community solidarity and other means to pressure letting agents and landlords to end exploitative rental practices, improve conditions for vulnerable tenants.