Funding Round 16: August- October 2024
After receiving 211 grant applications this year, Edge Fund members have come to a final list of 40 grassroots organisations that will receive £40K in equal grants of £1k each.
Click on the names of our 40 grantees to know more about the critical work they do, and don't forget to learn more the Edge Fund past grantees and grassroots organisers who supported our funding round. They did an incredible work assessing the applications we received this year.
Angry Workers (Bristol, UK)
AngryWorkers is a small collective that promotes workers' self-organisation and debates about direct workers' control as a first step towards a more general social transition.
BARAC UK (London, UK)
BARAC UK campaigns against racism and injustice and impacts of cuts on black and brown and migrant communities.
Books Against Borders (London, UK)
Books Against Borders is an abolitionist, anti-colonial, anti-racist and anti-capitalist political education collective.
BP or Not BP? (London, UK)
BP or Not BP? is a merrie troupe of actor-vists kicking oil out of cultural institutions through creative direct action.
Bristol Copwatch (Bristol, UK)
An independent, Bristol-based police monitoring organisation working towards community safety and police accountability.
CHARM (Communities for Holistic accessible rights based mental health, Manchester, UK)
We are a campaign calling for radical changes in mental health services, we are people with lived experience, trade unions, family groups and citizens to challenge the neglect and abuse experienced by people accessing mental health support
Collective Punishment (London, UK)
The Collective Punishment Campaign exists to raise awareness of and tackle the impact of parental imprisonment on families.
Copwatch Network (UK-wide)
Copwatch focuses on dismantling state and police violence through abolition, focusing on how we can keep each other safe
Croydon Community Action (London, UK)
Community of ecosocialist revolutionary creatives using political education festivals to transform the power dynamics in the South West.
DARES (aka Oak Haven Collective CIC) (Kent, UK)
DARES is a re-wilded space that supports those working to stop the harm caused by climate and social injustice.
Debt for Climate UK (UK-Wide)
Debt For Climate, demanding the cancellation of illegitimate financial debts imposed on the Global South and recognition of the ecological debt owed by the Global North. We denounce colonialism and the exploitation of the Global South in the face of the climate crisis
Feminist Fightback (London, UK)
Feminist Fightback is a feminist collective that aims to create an explicitly anti-capitalist space within the feminist movement.
Focus E15 (Newham E15, London, UK)
We are housing campaign in Newham fighting specific housing injustices, mobilising with people directly affected and working for systemic change.
Frack Free Scarborough (Scarborough, UK)
People and planet before profit': FFS campaigns against all forms of fracking and a sustainable future for all.
Institución de educación popular Somos Semillas (In English: We are Seeds - Popular Education Institution, London, UK)
We are a free decolonial institution for the vindication of our Abya Yalan (Latin-American) migrant community’s dignity, confronting the legacies of colonialism with radical community autonomy and internationalism. We facilitate popular education, visibilising our continent’s resistances while strengthening identity
Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants (LGSMigrants) (London, UK)
LGSMigrants was formed to engage LGBT+ people in direct solidarity with migrants and refugees. We fight back against homonationalism and pinkwashing, building on a proud history queer solidarity to say: no one is illegal.
Mad Insight (Edinburgh, Scotland)
We are a group of mad scholars, activists and pioneers seeking systemic change in the field of mental health.
Migrant Women Press (Glasgow, Scotland)
Migrant Women Press is an independent media focused on women’s experiences with migration. We are migrant women-led, written exclusively by migrant women. We are an independent media organisation connecting women from diverse backgrounds amplifying their voices through journalism.
No To Hassockfield Campaign (N2H) (Durham, New Castle Upon Tyne)
End immigration detention in the UK, believing that dismantling the hostile environment starts here. With a focus on closing Derwentside IRC, the UK's only women-only detention centre, we stand in solidarity with detainees, raise local awareness, and advocate for policy change towards more humane migration systems.
Parents for Palestine (London, UK)
Parents for Palestine is a UK-based grassroots collective of parents and caretakers calling for a lasting ceasefire and an end to the ongoing siege in Gaza.
People's Land Policy (London, UK)
A project to develop discussion and debate about what kind of land reform we need. By bringing together a range of people to discuss land and the issues that affect them we hope to contribute to the building of a broad-based, radical movement for land reform.
A key part of our work is to consider what we would like to see in a Land Reform Act for England and Wales, learning from the Scottish experience. We would also like to work with land campaigners in Scotland in order to develop UK-wide legislation that would enable radical land reform.
Red Umbrella Film Festival (Dublin, Ireland)
Our aims in doing this are to build greater community for sex workers in Ireland, challenge stigma by having events attended by sex workers, allies, and the wider community, and add to the campaign for decriminalisation.
Safety First Wales (Cardiff and Swansea, Wales)
Safety First Wales - a coalition formed to decriminalise sex work in Wales and prioritise sex workers’ safety, health, and well-being.
Serenity Cohousing (Cardiff Community Land Trust) (Cardiff, Wales)
The project was founded by a group of dynamic women of colour with the vision to create an environmentally conscious community-led housing community that fosters diversity and inclusion.
Sex Workers Alliance Ireland (Dublin, Belfast, Ireland)
SWAI’s mission is to work with sex workers to strengthen their human rights and safety on the island of Ireland.
Sex? On Campus! (Edinburgh, Scotland)
We support survivors, and allies of survivors, of gender-based violence, irrespective of background or identity. We primarily work with students.
Sheffield Campus Coalition for Palestine (Sheffield, UK)
Students, staff, and alumni challenging championing Palestinian liberation at Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam universities.
SINE (Stop Incineration North East) (Darlington, UK)
We oppose planned waste incinerators, mainly on Teesside. These affect the nearby communities of Grangetown , Southbank, Redcar and Middlesbrough.
Smut Level (Sheffield, UK)
We are a monthly meetup in Sheffield for sex workers to connect, share skills, resources and find community.
SYMAAG- South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group-SYMAAG (Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK)
SYMAAG is a migrant-led organisation, different nationalities, including people with lived experience of the asylum system, researchers, political activists, and volunteers.
Southwark/Lambeth Anti-Raids (London, UK)
Anti-raids are a loose collective working to build the resistance to immigration raids through peaceful direct action, and raising awareness in migrant communities of their rights when stopped/questioned. We build connections with our friends residing in hotel accommodation while they navigate the home office processing of their asylum claims.
Survivors of Colour Stories (Sheffield, Birmingham, London, UK)
Survivors of Colour Stories is a survivor-led collective who come together to learn, heal and experiment through creativity.
The LAD Fund (Uk-Wide)
The LAD Fund is a strike fund for drag and queer artists in the UK who are boycotting events tied to the genocide in Palestine.
Palestinian and queer liberation! They are undeniably connected, with pinkwashing being a core strategy for the colonial Zionist regime.
Tottenham CopWatch (London, UK)
We exist to mitigate the violent policing in our community in Tottenham. We are abolitionists who work towards the end of policing in our lifetimes. We strive to be a link point in Tottenham for radical community making, political education, campaigning, direct action and mutual aid.
UK Nanas (Blackpool, Lancashire)
UK Nanas formed in 2014 to fight back against fracking licenses. Primarily older women, Nanas challenge the law, injunctions and system of planning to help communities unite to win. Providing support, information, meetings, rallies and protest to oppose planning applications or existing sites that are polluting or harming their communities. From fracking to coal mines, landfills to nature destruction.
UNITY SISTERS (Glasgow, Scotland)
Unity Sisters is a grassroots, non-hierarchical and self-organised support group for asylum-seeking women, refugees and their children.
World Stages Now (Southampton, UK)
World Stages Now develop creative responses of the need for a change in systemic narratives. We gain support through sharing the work with a wider public audience and though our links within agencies including the City Council. Our mission is to improve the relations and conditions imposed on sanctuary seekers, refugees and migrants living in the city.
Youth Front for Palestine (Manchester and Birmingham, UK)
The youth of Manchester & Birmingham, here to Globalise the Intifada& fight for a free Palestine.