
Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training (US)  – multiracial organisation that promotes the connection between fundraising, social justice and movement-building. 

Black Fundraisers’ UK - part of the Chartered Institute of Fundraising, working to ensure that every black fundraiser has the skills, expertise and support to become a leader within the fundraising sector and helping to enable black fundraisers’ to access appropriate and professional support. 

Chartered Institute of Fundraising – fundraising training, best advice guides and other materials. They have a special programme helping small charities raise money and offer training sessions for just £20. The project also works with groups supporting marginalised, vulnerable and socially excluded individuals to support them develop their fundraising career. 

National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) – guidance and training on fundraising, particularly developing a sustainable fundraising strategy. 

Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI) – free training for small charities to help them fundraise. This includes training courses on a range of fundraising topics. They also offer travel bursaries.

Small Charities Coalition – help small charities access the skills, tools & information they need to get going and do what they do best.

UK FundraisingOnline resource and community for professional charity fundraisers. Also offers training and consultancy and in 2013 are running a series of Fundraising Camps where delegates choose the topics for the day and then share ideas, skills and experiences with each other.

Directory for Social Change – training and resources.

Seeds for Change – supporting grassroots campaign groups. 

Navigate — facilitate meetings, run workshops and mediate conflicts

Campaign Central – hub for campaigners, with info on funding your campaign.

nfpSynergy – research consultancy dedicated to the not-for-profit sector. Provides free reports to support non-profit sector, including on fundraising. 

Transition Network’s Funding Primerthe Transition Network is a network of local community-led environmental projects. Their 2014 Funding Primer offers tips, suggestions and advice for getting your Transition group’s projects funded, but would also be relevant to other small community groups. 

Charity MOT – team available to help at low cost with administration, technology or marketing and fundraising, but can also offer general advice. 

Resource Alliance – support and resources for fundraising internationally. 

Charity How To – lots of training materials on fundraising, including free webinars. 

Know How NonProfit – lots more training materials on fundraising. 

Company Solutions – training courses on fundraising.