Edge Fund statement on the recent Race Riots - September 2024


In the context of the Race Riots in the past weeks, we at Edge Fund reiterate our solidarity with all those who have been attacked with racial abuse and Islamophobia, and those affected by the continued targeting of the State for defending their communities.

We are a participatory grantmaking fund working on making a difference. 

We are in the process of redistributing £40K. Edge Fund’s members reviewing applications and supporting the overall work of the organisation understand the critical juncture at which we are, and commit to support during this Funding Round groups doing systemic work to challenge racism and Islamophobia, as well as those organising new forms of solidarity among migrants, people of colour and refugees. We pledge to support those old and new groups challenging the hostile environment that sowed the recent riots, and those holding power to account as racism is still woven into the fabric of British society. 

If you are part of a grassroots organisation challenging racism and racist structures we want to support your work.

If you are in the position to support our work, please consider making a donation so that we can keep on redistributing funds!


Edge Fund

12 September 2024